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Inventor Holder Trademark Lawyer Lansing, MI

When you invent something, you have the sole right to design, sell, and produce it. Trademarks protect your intellectual property as an innovator. If you want to file for a trademark, are struggling to understand the complexities of trademark law, or need to enforce against infringement, our Lansing, MI inventor holder trademark lawyer can help. Contact The Patent Baron now to start protecting your rights as an inventor.

What Is An Inventor Holder Trademark Lawyer?

Our inventory holder trademark lawyer specializes in intellectual property law and works to protect patent and trademark rights. In addition to understanding of the complexities of trademark law, our qualified Lansing inventor holder trademark lawyers help with patent or trademark applications, litigations, and enforcement.

What Does An Inventor Holder Trademark Lawyer Do?

An inventor holder trademark lawyer assists with patent or trademark applications, guards against infringement, and handles legal formalities to avoid complexities throughout the process. The role of an inventor holder trademark lawyer includes:

  • Supplying experienced advice on trademark law
  • Conducting trademark research to ensure the validity of an application and avoid infringements on existing trademarks
  • Filing applications that meet all federal requirements
  • Monitoring and protecting against the infringement of trademark rights
  • Initiating litigation and negotiating settlements when trademarks are abused
  • Drafting licensing agreements if you want to allow other people to use the trademark while still maintaining ownership and control
  • Handling the trademark rejection appeal process
  • Defending against infringement allegations

Whether you are working to secure a trademark or need support protecting an existing trademark, seeking legal advice will help you safeguard your rights.

What Makes A Good Inventor Holder Trademark Lawyer?

If you are considering retaining an inventor holder trademark lawyer, evaluate firms based on their experience and success with intellectual property law cases. Your attorney is your advocate, so it is imperative that you feel confident and comfortable with their representation. Trademark law is a specialized niche because the trademark and patent process is highly complex. Hiring an attorney with years of experience in this field will ensure your rights are protected and filings are timely, accurate, and effective.

When To Hire An Inventor Holder Trademark Lawyer

If you are an inventor, you need an inventor holder trademark lawyer. Your designs and creations are exclusive, and no one else has the legal right to use them without permission. Protect your ideas with the help of a professional. Trademark law is complicated, and retaining an attorney is imperative if you want your trademark application to be approved.

Once you own a trademark, the next hurdle is defending against infringement. Don’t leave your intellectual property unprotected. An inventor holder trademark lawyer will proactively enforce your trademark rights by filing cease-and-desist letters and litigation on your behalf.

Innovation drives progress, and competition is fiercer than ever. At The Patent Baron, protecting the intellectual property of inventors is our top priority. Let our team of highly experienced Lansing inventor holder trademark lawyers help with trademark applications and enforcement. Get started with a free consultation today.

Your Inventor Holder Trademark Lawyer

A trademark is a design (logo), word, or combination that is used to identify your business, products, or services from a specific source and distinguish them from others. A trademark may be placed on the item itself or on a package containing the product. They can appear on marketing materials such as pamphlets, websites, electronic and physical communications, and other types of intellectual property. Trademarks can be categorized as either a design mark or word mark. Many clients rely on our Lansing, MI inventor holder trademark lawyer to assist them with safeguarding their creations. If you are interested in taking the steps required to protect your intellectual property, then contact our team at The Patent Baron as soon as you can to get started!

Design Marks And Word Marks

A word mark is exactly what it sounds like, words. When you submit a trademark application for a word mark, you are essentially protecting a series of words. Word marks are one or more words that can be standard character format typed using a keyboard without stylization. By comparison, design marks are a graphic design with or without wording, or is just wording stylized. Companies may have a digital symbol or mascot associated with their company. Some design marks may entail a graphic design or combination or words. As our knowledgeable inventor holder trademark attorney explains, by registering for a design mark you can protect your stylized text or words and chosen colors, in addition to the mark graphic design.

Filing Your Trademark Application

When you file your trademark application, it is important that the design mark or word mark be used properly as a trademark. Using it properly can vary depending on where the mark is being shown. For instance, if it is being put onto a website, the mark should be shown at the top of the webpage and spaced away from other images and text. Furthermore, the mark should not get embedded in a paragraph on that website in a way that is not deemed proper trademark use. To boost the mark, it should be in a bigger size than other text. When the mark is being used on an item, it must be shown much larger and spaced apart from other images and texts.

The Patent Baron

Creators of intellectual property are wise to consider protecting their inventions. Our MI inventor holder trademark attorney can walk you through the steps in getting your inventions protected by law so that if someone does attempt to copy or use your property, you can use legal means to remedy the situation. Your intellectual property may also be used to identify your business or products. It is imperative that you do not risk your business suffering from loss because a competitor has infringed upon your property. Our team at The Patent Baron knows that as an inventor, you take pride in what you create. Let us help you so that you can feel confidence knowing your creations are legally protected. We are ready to hear from you!

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